Laura Dundovic Summer Beauty Interview

Laura Dundovic Summer Beauty Interview

Interview with Laura Dundovic, Former Miss Universe Australia and Vmores Ambassador

Question: Can you share your top Summer beauty products, with us?

Laura Dundovic: James Cosmetics Can't Relate lipstick. I've finally found the perfect nude and it's so hydrating.
Vmores Snap Hair, Skin and Nails. I keep them in my handbag so I never forget to take them and I can't believe how much my hair has grown since I started taking it or how healthy it is especially considering I recently went super blonde all over.
I'm also loving Mermaid Hair for the perfect beach wave.

Question: What do you love about the Vmores range?

Laura Dundovic: The thing I love the most about them is that they use freeze-dried technology keeping 95-100% of the original nutrients in. I love that I don't need to refrigerate them and that they are individually packaged which makes them so much easier to travel with. With no preservatives, no artificial colours or flavours, no added sugar and them being made from fruit I love how natural they are!

Question: Can you share your experiences with Hemochromatosis, with us?

Laura Dundovic: I was diagnosed when I was 16. My Mum has it, my Dad is a carrier and my Grandad died of liver and bowl cancer which is often as a result of hemochromatosis but we didn't know it was in the family at the time. I was just super lethargic having chronic fatigue at the time and getting sick constantly so they did some genetic testing to try to work out what was going on.

Question: How do you manage your Hemochromatosis?

Laura Dundovic: I had my first venesection earlier in the year, I hate needles so was petrified but I felt so good two weeks after. I monitor my blood regularly and just really look after myself. I do things like take Vmores Dash probiotic every day to make sure my gut health is good. Once you know you have it you can live a pretty normal life.

Question: What's a typical week's exercise routine for you?

Laura Dundovic: Minimum four times a week training. I go to the gym and do weights or circuits when I'm a home and run when I travel. I work all parts of the body and also do things like dancing or play basketball, swim or bike ride. Anything to keep moving because I love it!

Question: What advice do you have for Australians who struggle to stay on-track when it's hot?

Laura Dundovic: Work out indoors or if you love running, go for a soft sand run by the water. I do it on the hottest of days and the sea breeze keeps you cool and you can finish with a swim – it's the best feeling.

Question: How will you be spending this Summer?

Laura Dundovic: I'll be overseas for a bit and then back just in time to spend summer on the beach!

Question: What's next, for you?

Laura Dundovic: I've just signed a new contract which will take me to even warmer weather for a few weeks so I'm very happy about that!

Interview by Brooke Hunter

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