Tonya Crooks 2012 EyeBrow Tips Interview

Tonya Crooks 2012 EyeBrow Tips Interview

Tonya Crooks 2012 Brow Interview

Veet, Australia's leading depilatories expert, and acclaimed Hollywood eyebrow stylist to the stars, Tonya Crooks, have unveiled the '2012 Brow' in-timing with this year's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia.

With the emerging beauty trend of 'browsing' - women changing the look and shape of their eyebrows to be on trend and complement their total look - the '2012 Brow' is a must-have fashion accessory this season, inspired by the latest looks on this year's international runways and fashion elite.

The '2012 Brow'
Developed by Veet and Tonya Crooks to celebrate the launch of Veet's new High Precision Facial Wax for Sensitive Skin, this year's statement brow is a bigger, thicker and stronger version of the brow trends showcased in the past. Creating a focal point of the face, the '2012 Brow' is thick, yet feminine, and perfectly groomed to form a well-defined shape and a gorgeous, lifted arch. This on trend brow can be pencilled and darkened to complement the fairest or darkest of skin and hair tones.

Leading LA-based brow stylist, Tonya Crooks, is thrilled to be working with Veet on the brand's latest fashion-forward campaign and introduce this year's key brow look in Australia:
"In recent seasons, brows have been bleached or over groomed into oblivion, but this year they are back - and in a big way! With eyebrows being a key beauty trend this year, I'm delighted to be working with Veet to unveil the '2012 Brow' in Australia. The '2012 Brow' is inspired by the new, stronger, fuller brow being sported by Hollywood celebrities and, most recently, on and off catwalks from New York to Milan.

The '2012 Brow' is a fashion accessory in its own right and one that Australian women can easily re-create in the comfort of their own home with the right tools and know-how," she said.

With a client list including Megan Fox, Fergie and Nicole Kidman, the A-list stylist believes that creating a brow look that transcends from high-fashion to high-street is an easy and effective way to empower women to look and feel their very best.

Tonya continues: "Celebrities may have a multitude of beauty stylists to call upon, but the '2012 Brow' can easily be achieved at home with a bit of guidance and help from easy-to-use, high-street waxing products such as Veet's new High Precision Facial Wax. It's important for all women to be able to achieve a Hollywood look at home without the celebrity price tag, which is why I'm excited to partner with Veet to create the '2012 Brow'."

Veet has also partnered with iconic Australian fashion designer, Alice McCall, who is proud to be the Australian ambassador for the '2012 Brow'. Recognising the importance of styled brows to help complete the total look, Alice is an advocate of the '2012 Brow' as a key fashion trend for the year.

Alice McCall said: "I'm delighted to be working with Veet as an ambassador of the '2012 Brow', a key trend for fashion-forward women this year. Completing the total look, the '2012 Brow' personifies a high-fashion, edgy yet feminine style and it is certainly one that I'll be featuring in my future looks this year. What's great is that the highly stylised brow is not just for models - it can be created by fashionistas across Australia with the right products and how-to."

Launched in April 2012, Veet's High Precision Facial Wax is Veet's latest, innovative facial waxing product, which has been designed with sensitive skin in mind to care not only for the eyebrows, but also the upper lip and chin, during the hair removal process. Enriched with Almond Oil, the dermatologically tested formula is both dye and fragrance free and helps ensure silky smooth skin.

Veet's High Precision Facial Wax is priced at RRP $12.99 and is available from leading supermarkets, pharmacies and independent retailers nationwide.
For more information visit

Interview with Tonya Crooks

Tonya Crooks, aptly known as the 'Brow Gal', has spent the past 15 years as Hollywood's go-to girl for perfect eyebrows. Tonya's faultless approach and ability to work with a client's natural brow shape to achieve consistent, well-groomed and individual eyebrows became a necessity for A-listers around the world. Tonya works with countless models, designers and celebrities including Megan Fox, Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow and Fergie and has eyebrow expertise that cannot be rivalled.
Follow Tonya on Twitter @TheBrowGal

Question: Why is the 2012 Brow the must-have fashion accessory?

Tonya Crooks: The general public are finally catching on that fuller, thicker brows are the growing trend. The runways are amplifying this feature and it is creating the awareness of the average woman to aspire to have thicker brows. Brows shape your face, and the growing trend is the thicker the better, acting just as a necklace or bracelet would to accentuate your style.

Question: Is it possible for us to achieve the 2012 Brow look at home?

Tonya Crooks: Absolutely. Brush your brows up to determine their natural shape. Colour that shape in with a hard lead pencil, and manicure your brows with scissors, tweezers, and a gentle wax like Veet's at home Wax for Sensitive Skin. Once you have the shape apply the wax in a thin layer from the inside corner to the arch, making sure the wax is spread in the direction of hair growth. Remove with the reusable strip and repeat from the arch to tail. Brush the brows up again and trim with scissors to the shape you have created.

Question: In case we're not brave enough to try this at home, how should we describe the 2012 Brow to our waxer?

Tonya Crooks: I would take them some photos of the ideal way you would like your brow to look. It's about doing your research and finding someone who can work with you to make you feel the most comfortable with your shape. Discuss, discuss, discuss before creating.

Question: The 2012 Brow is a thicker look, how can those who have thin eyebrows undo the overtweezed damage?

Tonya Crooks: Put the wax and tweezers down and let your brows grow. Begin using an eyebrow growth serum and start practicing and becoming savvy with pencils and powders to bulk up the size of the brow and perfect any imperfections.

Question: Will the 2012 Brow work for everyone? If not, what other styles can you suggest?

Tonya Crooks: A thicker, fuller brow will work for everyone; it just depends on how thick. If you have a really low hair line you don't want a super thick brow. If we leave it up to our intuitive opinion of ourselves we can decide what thickness works best to implement with our professionals. The trend of thin eyebrows has gone on too far and I rarely see people with thick enough eyebrows.

Question: You have a long celebrity cliental list, do you have a favourite A-lister to work with?

Tonya Crooks: I would say Megan Fox. I have worked with Megan for several years now and have helped shape them into her iconic look. She too embraces the idea of growing her brows thicker.

Question: Can you share any other insider beauty tips with us as we head into a chilly Winter?

Tonya Crooks: I would say keep the skin well hydrated because beauty is only going to look as good as your skin does. You can have the best eyebrows in the world but if your skin is damaged it won't matter. Wear sunscreen even in the winter!

Question: What inspired you to begin a career in makeup and of course eyebrow styling?

Tonya Crooks: I am an artist at heart and see aesthetics a little differently. I started in the industry doing make-up on models in Europe and noticed that there was only so much you could do to correct their bad eyebrows with make-up and photo shop. So I taught myself how to correct bad eyebrows and really shape each set of brows to each person's unique facial structure.

Question: What is your number one beauty must-have?

Tonya Crooks: There are actually a few things. Professional Tweezers which have a precision tip on them. Small, sharp eyebrow scissors not curved manicure scissors which are often too dull and will make you get a strange shape. The Veet at home wax, and a good brow pencil that matches your hair colour.

Interview by Brooke Hunter