Mango Butter Lip Balm

Mango Butter Lip Balm

While we're all spending some much needed time at home in the next couple of weeks, why not enjoy a little extra self-care? Facemasks, DIY beauty treatments and at home beauty treatments are the perfect retreat from the daily madness.

Looking for a treatment that's both relaxing and full of nutritional benefits for your skin? You're in luck!

½ tsp Shea Butter
½ tsp Mango Butter
2 tsp Sweet Almond Oil
1 tsp Castor Oil
1 tsp Beeswax (more or less for a harder/softer consistency)
4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
4 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
1 drop Tea Tree Oil
¼ tsp Vitamin E Oil

Add all ingredients except Essential Oils and Vitamin E Oil to a double boiler (glass bowl or jar inside a pan with a few inches of water)
Heat the pan on medium low until butters and beeswax melt
Remove from heat and stir in Essential Oils and Vitamin E Oil
Quickly pour into your containers
Should fill 4 .2 oz lip balm containers (Feel free to double the recipe for more)